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1 Memorandum of Understanding between the Government of Sri Lanka and the Government of India for Technical Assistance in support of the 10 year (2012-2022) National Plan for a Trilingual Sri Lanka
2 Acquisition, Processing and Analyzing of Offshore Petroleum Data on a Multi-Client Basis
3 Weeraketiya Town Centre Development
4 Sri Lanka Water Convention - 2013 - from 20th to 22nd March 2013
5 Beliatta Town Development Project
6 Provisions for the maintenance of the Residential Care Home for the children profoundly disabled by Autism and Autism related disorders
7 Supply of Raw Material (Waste Paper) for productions and sale of produced items for Valachchenai Paper Mill of the National Paper Company Ltd.
8 Rehabilitation and Improvements to the Road Sections from Katugastota to Alawathugoda and from Alawathugoda to Palapathwela
9 Rehabilitation and Improvements to the Road Section from Matara to Godagama (From 0.10 km to 3.50 km) on Matara-Akuressa Road (A24)
10 Rehabilitation and Improvements to the Road Sections from Dehiowita to Deraniyagala and from Thambalagamuwa to Surangal Junction
11 Rehabilitation of National Highways with concrete surfacing through Domestic Contractors - rehabilitation of the section of the road from 0 to 29.4 km on Chilaw - Wariyapola Road (B79)
12 Rehabilitation and Improvement to Road Sections from Rakwana to Madampe and the reconstruction of Bridge (Karandana Bridge) on Polgahawela - Kegalla Road
13 Tender for Supply 360,000 Vials of Desferrioxamine Mesylate for Injection BP/USP, 500MG
14 Eastern Province Water Supply Development Project - Tender for Construction of Treatment Plant and Towers at Mahaoya, Augmentation of Treatment Plant/Intake at Dehiattakandiya and Construction sumps/Pump Houses and other civil works at Saddatissa, Konduwatuwana, Uhana, Damana, Hingurana and Pothuwil areas
15 Construction of Kandana Water Treatment Plant Extension of Kaluganga Water Supply Project (Civil, Mechanical, Electrical and ICM works)
16 Supply & Delivery of Materials for Sustainable Power Sector Support Project (Expansion of Rural Electrification & Distribution System Improvement Ampara and Uva) - Package -3 - LOT 1B - ABC Accessories & Tools
17 A Grant of Japanese Yen 2,678 million (Rs.3,749 million) for implementing four projects under Japanese Grant Aid
18 Grant Assistance of Euro 6 million from the Government of Federal Republic of Germany
19 Amendment to the Prescription Ordinance
Please note that certain Cabinet decisions which could only be implemented after being confirmed at the next Cabinet Meeting and the decisions which could be amended at that Meeting, are not included herein.