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1 Secured Transactions Registry Bill
2 Entering into an Agreement between the Department of Railways and Holcim (Lanka) Company for the Transportation of Coal Containers of Holcim (Lanka) Company by Special Trains from the Railway Station of China Harbour to Railway Station of Maho
3 Construction and Modification of New Bus Stands / Terminals in Urban and Suburban Areas for the Qualitative Development of Transport Services
4 Construction of a Record Room for the Department of Motor Traffic, in the Werahera Premises
5 Central Expressway Project - Selection of Contractors and Local Supervision Consultants for the construction of Section III from Pothuhera to Galagedera
6 Upgrading the National Blood Transfusion Service of Sri Lanka with State of the Art Technology giving special emphasis to Northern and Eastern Provinces
7 Project for the strengthening of the Small and Medium scale Enterprises in Sri Lanka
8 Provision of lands in the Sacred Kalutara Bodhi Premises to the Kalutara Bodhi Trustee Board on a Long Term Lease Basis, under the State Land Ordinance
9 The Project for the welfare of the women of the Ampara District who were affected by war
10 Development of Batticaloa Airport
11 Construction of the proposed Medical Ward Complex in the District General Hospital, Chilaw
12 Construction of a Seven Storied New Building Complex for the Health Education Bureau
13 Signing and Ratification of the International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance
Please note that certain Cabinet decisions which could only be implemented after being confirmed at the next Cabinet Meeting and the decisions which could be amended at that Meeting, are not included herein.