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1 Increasing the Representation of Women in Local Authorities
2 Establishment of an Institute for Combinatorial Advanced Research and Education for General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University (KDU-CARE)
3 The Statute of the South Asia Wildlife Enforcement Network (SAWEN)
4 Bi-lateral Air Service Agreement between Sri Lanka and Bulgaria
5 Increase of Monthly Bursary Payment provided for the University Students who are not entitled to Mahapola Scholarships, from Rs.2,500/- to Rs.4,000/-
6 Amendment to the Animal Feed Act, No.15 of 1986
7 Upgrading the Tissamaharama Water Supply Scheme
8 New Housing and Housing Improvement Programme for 1,000 Displaced Families in Welioya
9 Special Projects to ease the living conditions of the people in the Northern Province with particular reference to Jaffna and the surrounding Islands
10 The Phase II of the Project for the Supply of Equipment of High Quality Radiotherapy with High Energy Radiation including the Infrastructure for Cancer Patients in Sri Lanka
11 Establishment of Renal Units to provide specialized care to the patients of the Chronic Kidney Disease of Unknown Aetiology
12 Procurement of 450,000 Doses of Rabies Vaccine for Field Programmes in 2015-2016
13 The Data Collection Project by the Airborne Gravity and Magnetic Data Survey around the Mannar Basin and Reprocessing and Imaging of the Seismic Data
14 Provision of Cash Vouchers instead of School Uniform Materials for School Children from the year 2016
15 Amendments to the Constitution for the Abolition of the Executive Presidency and transferring of powers to the Parliament and to introduce a more democratic electoral system
16 Implementation of suitable programmes to ensure the Sri Lankan Identity
Please note that certain Cabinet decisions which could only be implemented after being confirmed at the next Cabinet Meeting and the decisions which could be amended at that Meeting, are not included herein.