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1 Proposed Amendments to the Banking Act, No. 30 of 1988
2 Amendments to the Licensing of Shipping Agents, Freight Forwarders, Non Vessel Operating Common Carriers and Container Operators Act No.10 of 1972
3 Re-development of 2600 underdeveloped Dhamma Schools in view of the 2600th Anniversary of the Buddha's Enlightenment
4 Restoration of Wilakandiya Tank
5 Development and Expansion of Fishnet Factory of Northsea Ltd.
6 Implementation of a Pilot Project to Improve the Easy Accessibility and Sustainability of Financial Facilities to Rural Communities for obtaining the Electricity Service Connection
7 Land Alienation Policy to Promote Development Activities of the Government
8 The Sustainable Agriculture Water Management Project (SAWMP) ? An Assessment of Progress of Phases 1 & 11
9 Extension to Medical Wards - Completion of Work of Fourth Floor - Phase II, Teaching Hospital, Jaffna
10 Construction of Out Door Patients Department (OPD) and the Emergency Trauma Unit (Stage II) of the Base Hospital, Kalmunai
11 Construction of a three storied building for the Divisional Secretariat, Nuwaragampalatha - East
12 Co-Financing Grant for Construction of the Point-Pedro Water Supply Scheme under the Conflict Affected Region Emergency (CARE) Project
13 Construction of Solid Waste Disposal Facilities Project
14 Construction of Rural Bridges in Sri Lanka
Please note that certain Cabinet decisions which could only be implemented after being confirmed at the next Cabinet Meeting and the decisions which could be amended at that Meeting, are not included herein.