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1 Signing of the Financing Agreement for the Second Phase of the Development Policy Financing Programme
2 Sri Lanka’s National Strategy on Artificial Intelligence
3 Transfer a plot of land for the Rights to Servitude and Services of the buyers of Condominium Units residing in Waterfront Properties (Private) Limited
4 The Cooperation Agreement between the Sri Lanka Export Development Board and the International Finance Corporation (IFC) to facilitate Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) to become Exporters
5 Alienation of a plot of Land of the Polonthalawa Farm belonging to the National Livestock Development Board to the Geoffrey Bawa Foundation
6 Purchase of Paddy by the Paddy Marketing Board - Yala 2024
7 Entering into a Memorandum of Undertanding between the United Nations Institute for Training and Research and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
8 Administrative Arrangement between the Delegation of the European Union arriving in Sri Lanka for observation of the Presidential Election - 2024, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
9 Printing of School Textbooks required for free distribution in the year 2025
10 Reconstruction of Kurinchakerny Bridge on Kinniya-Kurinchakerny Road
11 Colombo Port City (Management of Condominium Property) Regulations No.03 of 2024
12 Introduction of a new Legislation on the Rights of the Indigenous People in Sri Lanka
13 Providing the opportunity to the employees attached to the Samurdhi Development Authority to be absorbed into the Department of Samurdhi Development
14 Implementation of the proposed Skills Development Programme from the year 2025 onwards
Please note that certain Cabinet decisions which could only be implemented after being confirmed at the next Cabinet Meeting and the decisions which could be amended at that Meeting, are not included herein.