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1 Entering into Memoranda of Understanding / Collaboration Agreements between Sri Lankan Universities and Overseas Universities
2 Domestic Ginger Production and Price Regulation
3 Providing new Housing Units on resettlement basis for the houses of estate workers located irregularly within the Urban Development Project Site at Millewawatta, Horana
4 Implementation of the Sri Lanka Coastal Zone and Coastal Resources Management Plan - 2024-2029
5 Protection of the site associated with Miocene Limestone deposit with archaeological value at Aruvakkalu, Puttalam
6 Selection Criteria Framework for Investments in Drinking Water Sector in Sri Lanka
7 Construction and Renovation of Houses damaged by disasters including floods and strong winds due to the activation of the Southwest Monsoon
8 Installation and maintenance of solar panels on the roofs of railway stations and buildings belonging to the Department of Sri Lanka Railways
9 Award of the Contract of Package 1R and 1S of Section 03 of the Central Expressway Project
10 Ratification of the Sri Lanka - Thailand Free Trade Agreement
11 Submission of Imports and Exports (Control) Regulations No.10 of 2024, issued under the Imports and Exports (Control) Act, No. 1 of 1969, for approval of Parliament - (Importation of Spices by Approved Enterprises for Processing and Re-export)
12 Repatriation of Export Proceeds into Sri Lanka Rules No. 01 of 2024 under the Central Bank of Sri Lanka Act, No. 16 of 2023
13 Proposed Framework for leasing of lands to develop an internationally recognized School, University and Hospital in Colombo Port City
14 Development of Pinnawala - Kitulgala Tourism Zone
15 Publishing the National Water Supply and Drainage Board (Amendment) Bill
16 Proceeds of Crime Bill
17 Designate COLOMBO MARINA DEVELOPMENT (PRIVATE) LIMITED as a Primary Business of Strategic Importance
18 Revision of Water Tariff
19 Proposals to revise salaries in the Public Service
20 Application of 'Aswesuma' Welfare Benefits Criteria for the Plantation Worker Families living in Line Rooms
Please note that certain Cabinet decisions which could only be implemented after being confirmed at the next Cabinet Meeting and the decisions which could be amended at that Meeting, are not included herein.