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1 Establishment of a Welfare Fund for Journalists, Artistes and Writers
2 Publishing in the Gazette Regulations made under the Control of Pesticides Act No.33 of 1980
3 Memorandum of Understanding with the Government of Switzerland on the Labour Migration Programme “Decent Work, Safety and Well-being of Labour Migrants and their families in Sri Lanka”
4 Birth Centenary Programme of the late Professor Ediriweera Sarachchandra
5 Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the Ministry of Interior of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Law and Order of Sri Lanka on Combating Crimes and Promotion of Police Cooperation
6 Establishment of an Inter-Ministerial Operational Committee on Law and Order
7 Appointment of Consultants for Design, Construction Supervision and Management Support for the Anuradhapura North Water Supply Project - Phase I
8 Proposed Memorandum of Understanding between the Governments of Bangladesh and Sri Lanka on Procurement of Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices
9 Protocol for Consultations between the Government of Sri Lanka and the Government of the Republic of Bulgaria
10 Annual Report of the Ministry of Finance and Planning for the year 2013
Please note that certain Cabinet decisions which could only be implemented after being confirmed at the next Cabinet Meeting and the decisions which could be amended at that Meeting, are not included herein.