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Press briefing of Cabinet Decision taken on 2018-05-15
Amendment to the Intellectual Property Act, No.36 of 2003 to introduce exemptions in respect of Copy Right provisions by reproducing and distribution of published printed material to enable the visually impaired or otherwise print disabled people to use the print media
- The Marrakesh Treaty administered by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) has provided guidance to the member states to introduce a series of exceptions to relax the limits imposed on copy right provisions for facilitating access in regard to the reproduction and distribution of the published printed works to enable the persons with disability for using the printed material.

The Cabinet has granted approval in the year 2016 to amend the Intellectual Property Act, No.36 of 2003 prior to ratifying the Marrakesh Treaty incorporating a series of exemptions in regard to the existing copy right provisions. Accordingly, the proposal made by Hon. Rishad Bathiudeen, the Minister of Industry and Commerce, to publish the draft (Amendment) Bill to the Intellectual Property Act, No.36 of 2003 in the Government Gazette and subsequently, present it in Parliament, for approval, was approved by the Cabinet.