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Press briefing of Cabinet Decision taken on 2017-10-03
Establishment of the Emergency pre-hospital care ambulance service in Sri Lanka and the '1990 Suwaseriya Foundation'
- The validity period of the Memorandum of Understanding between the GVK EMRI Lanka (Pvt) Ltd. and the Ministry of Health, Nutrition and Indigenous Medicine relating to the implementation of the '1990 Suwaseriya Emergency Pre-hospital Care Ambulance Service' which is successfully established in the Western and the Southern Provinces, is due to expire on the 31st of December, 2017. It has been proposed to implement this Ambulance Service to cover all the Provinces in Sri Lanka.

As such, the proposal made by Hon. Ranil Wickremasinghe, the Prime Minister in his capacity as the Minister of National Policies and Economic Affairs, to establish a Foundation known as the '1990 Suwaseriya Foundation' fully owned by the Government of Sri Lanka, by an Act of Parliament to ensure its uninterrupted operational and administrative functions, was approved by the cabinet.