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Press briefing of Cabinet Decision taken on 2017-06-20
Providing relief to persons who have lost their passports in the disaster situation occurred in May 2017 due to the floods
- In terms of the legal position prevailing if, a passport has been misplaced or damaged prior to the lapse of the period of validity, a surcharge of a sum of Rs,10,000/- should be paid when obtaining a new passport. It is reported that the passports of a considerable number of people have either been damaged or misplaced due to the recent floods and landslides which occurred in most places of the Island.

As such, the proposal made by Hon. S.B. Navinne, the Minister of Internal Affairs, Wayamba Development and Cultural Affairs, to exempt the relevant person from payment of a surcharge when the person's passport has been misplaced due to floods and landslides on the recommendation made by the relevant Divisional Secretary, to levy only a concessionary sum of Rs.100/- from a person who has obtained a passport after 1st of January 2017 but has not emigrated up to now when issuing a new passport and to limit this period of relief only up to 30th of August 2017, was approved by the Cabinet.