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Press briefing of Cabinet Decision taken on 2015-02-25
Appointment of a Special Committee to Inquire into Election Complaints

- The proposal made by Hon. Karu Jayasuriya, Minister of Public Administration, Provincial Councils, Local Government and Democratic Governance to establish a Special Committee to inquire into Election complaints, comprising of experts in disciplines of Law, Administration, Election, Fiscal, and Investigation to initiate a proper, efficient and transparent mechanism to investigate the complaints made before and after the Presidential Election - 2015, on misuse of State Media, improper use of public property for election purposes, misappropriation of Government funds, use of public officers for political activities, violation of provisions of Act, No. 15 of 1981 relating to the Election of the President etc. and take necessary legal and disciplinary action expeditiously and to present its Report within sixty (60) days, in order to ensure confidence of the citizen on a free and fair election process before holding another National Election, was approved by the Cabinet.