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Press briefing of Cabinet Decision taken on 2011-10-19
Consultancy Services for Construction of Railway Lines - Medawachchi to Mannar, Omanthai to Pallai and Matara to Beliatta
- Agreements for the above have already been signed and the relevant companies have commenced initial work pertaining to same. The proposal made by Hon. Kumara Welgama, Minister of Transport, to award the consultancy services for the undermentioned works to the Central Engineering Consultancy Bureau, which is a government concern, on the recommendations of the Standing Cabinet Appointed Procurement Committee, was approved by the Cabinet:

* construction of railway line from Madhu Road to Thalaimannar;
* construction of railway line to Medawachchi to Madhu;
* construction of railway line to Omanthai to Pallai; and
* construction of railway line from Matara to Beliatta.