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Press briefing of Cabinet Decision taken on 2024-02-05 (Subject to Confirmation at the next Meeting)
Project Grant Assistance from the Government of Japan for the project for stabilization of power supply using renewable energy at hospitals in Sri Lanka
- The Government of Japan has agreed to provide a project grant assistance amounting to Japanese Yen 1230 (approximately LKR 2.8 billion) through the Japan International Cooperation Agency to secure electricity facility by installing solar power generation systems in Sri Jayawardenepura General Hospital, Kurunegala Teaching Hospital and Rathnapura Teaching Hospital. The objectives of this project are to minimize the usage of non-renewable energy in the health sector, enhance the overal efficiency of the health care sector and the promotion of sustainable development. Accordingly, the proposal made by the Hon.President in his capacity as the Minister of Finance, Economic Stabilization and National Policies with related to implementation of the said project, was approved by the Cabinet.