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Press briefing of Cabinet Decision taken on 2020-09-28
Pilot project for distributing eco-friendly fertilizer as subsidized fertilizer for the Maha season 2020/2021

-Approval of the Cabinet has been granted at its meeting held on 2020‑02‑20 to allocate Rs 250 million for the implementation of a pilot project for providing organic fertilizer subsidy from the Yala season 2020, under the Chemical Fertilizer Subsidy Programme. Accordingly, paddy has been cultivated around 25,000 hectares in 14 Districts using compost manure, organic liquid fertilizer and bio fertilizer. This has reduced the use of chemical fertilizers by 30% - 50%. Taking into consideration the success achieved by implementation of the pilot project, the proposal made by the Minister of Agriculture to cultivate 48,000 hectares of paddy using eco-friendly fertilizer during the Maha season 2020/2021 was, approved by the Cabinet.